This is an image of the spider in the Nazca Lines. Don’t worry, we’ll get to that shortly.

Aliens. Everyone’s heard of ’em. Whether they exist or not, no one but God knows. Today, we will be looking at a very interesting theory, that being the Ancient Alien Theory and I will be sharing some of my opinions on it. First things first, I’d like to say that I am simply presenting information and not my opinion until I give my opinion. So, let’s jump right in, shall we?

First off, the theory itself. The Ancient Alien theory argues that we have, in ancient times, been visited by high tech life forms from other planets. The theory is backed by a series of interesting discoveries made by archaeologists around the globe such as the Mayan civilization’s temples, the Nazca Lines (My personal favorite), and arguably, the main “Proof” of the theory, Egyptian Pharaohs and the pyramids in Giza, Egypt.

Now onto “The Proof”. As I said, the theory argues that we’ve been visited by aliens in ancient times, so let’s start with the Mayans. The Mayans were said to be a very advanced civilization for their time and they built a lot of megalithic structures. These structures fascinate Ancient Alien Theorists because of one reason: How would an early civilization be able to move such HUGE stones to make these structures with primitive technology? This is interesting because, as you could imagine, it would take A LOT of people to move a stone weighing a ton, and most of the blocks that the Mayans made their temples and such out of weighed tens if not thousands of tons. Now, think about it for a minute. With as many people as it would take to move/lift a one ton object, how many people would it take to move something that weighs over one thousand tons? That’s A LOT of people. This is where it gets interesting. Obviously, there is no question that the Mayans did move these blocks, but if all they had was primitive technology, then how would they have done this? Scientifically speaking, they could not have. Even if the Mayans could have rounded up enough people to move these blocks, they would not have been able to get that many people’s hands on the blocks, therefore they could not have moved them. The same problem would have applied to Stonehenge and the pyramids in Giza. Many theorists believe that the Egyptians, Mayans, and whoever built Stonehenge were helped by aliens in the process of making these megalithic structures.

Theorists also make another point in regards to these megalithic structures. That point is simply this: Why? Why would the Mayans want to subject themselves to making these HUGE temples? Why would the Egyptians want to take on such a task as to make the pyramids? Sure, they had a massive slave force, by why in the world would anyone want to make something so huge and challenging? It’s plain crazy! Theorists answer this question by saying this: What if these civilizations had an exterior motive? Now, lets say for the sake of argument that aliens do exist and they have visited us in the past. Now Step into the shoes of an Egyptian pharaoh or a Mayan leader. What would you do if you saw a UFO touching down out of the sky and saw people come out of it? Back then, people saw this kind of phenomenon as contact with their gods, and therefore revered these aliens as gods and goddesses. Now, put yourself in the place of the aliens. Obviously, they weren’t (If they exist) gods, but if you were an alien and had millions people seeing you as a god, wouldn’t you milk it for all it’s worth? That is exactly what theorists think happened. They think that the Egyptians made their pyramids and the Mayans made their temples because the aliens told them to and gave them the technology and instructed them to do so. There is a lot of speculation as to why they would tell the ancient civilizations to do these things, but some theories suggest that the Great Pyramid is actually a powerhouse that makes certain elements that go into it into energy that is then beamed up to space to fuel the alien ships as they pass by Earth, just to give you one example. There are too many theories about why they would instruct ancients to build these structures to put in one blog. If that interests you, I highly recommend looking up “Ancient Aliens” on Netflix or Comcast On Demand if you have either of those (I’m sure you can find it elsewhere, but that is where I know it can be found) and watching it from episode 1. It’s a very educational series that is very interesting whether you buy into the theory or not, but it does knock Christianity a little bit, so keep that in mind.

On to my next point. There are two cases of alien theory that go along with Egyptian pharaohs that i know of. First off, Egyptian pharaoh Ahkenaten. He is a very large point in the Ancient Alien Theory, as theorists believe that he was half alien, half human. Why do they think this? Google a picture of him. Look at his face and long, lanky body in particular. His face and skull are abnormally elongated (Which theorists believe was popular for civilizations, like the Mayans, who may have had contact with alien life. It was popular because they worshiped the aliens, if they existed, as gods.) from that of a normal human being. Also, he was a very tall and lanky man. There’s nothing unusual about that, but if you look at a lot of pictures of other pharaohs, they have themselves portrayed as strong and masculine, not skinny. Ahkenaten decided to go the other route. Weird, huh? He also radically changed the religion of Egypt. To start, he proclaimed himself a god and eliminated all of the former gods of the Egyptian religion. Why? Some believe that it is because the aliens were influencing him and trying to control Egypt through him. The interesting thing is that the Egyptians went back to their old religion as soon as he bit the dust, which drives theorists crazy, and they believe that this they did this because that the Egyptians were trying to cover up their other religion. Why? Some theorists think that it is because the aliens were done trying to rule Egypt and wanted a cover-up. Those are just some of the reasons why theorists believe that he might have been half alien, half human.

Now we come to my personal favorite piece of evidence. The Nazca Lines. In Nazca, Peru, there are a series of pictures carved into the earth that can only be seen from high up in the air (If you want to see what I’m talking about, search Nazca Lines in Google Maps and look at the satellite images, they should be labeled. The spider is the most prominent, however you have to be on full zoom to see it well). Images of a spider, a dog, a bird, and much more are imprinted across miles of desert land. How did they get there? No one knows for sure, but there are some theories that state that primitive tech was used to create them. Ancient Alien Theorists, however, would have you know that the construction of these lines was not only directed by aliens, but that the aliens also helped them create them. It is rather interesting how the ancient Peruvians made such extraordinarily precise markings in the ground with such primitive technology to me, and also very perplexing. That is why these markings have been made as one of the sole pieces of evidence for the theory.

Again, for the sake of argument, let’s say that aliens do exist. Now… Why in the world would they want humans to make the Nazca Lines? Theorists believe that they did this for navigational purposes so that they could navigate the desert better (This ties back to the megalithic structures I talked about earlier as well, they are also theorized to be for navigational purposes because of their ease of sight from a high altitude). Why would aliens do this? Well, take the Great Wall of China for instance. If you fly over it, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that… Wait for it… You’re in China. That’s what theorists believe the Nazca Lines are all about.

After all of that wonderful evidence, I’d like to state my opinion on the theory. Here we go. I believe that aliens could possibly exist. I believe we may have been visited by extra terrestrials in our past. Why is this, you ask? I think it’s rather arrogant of the human race to say that we are, without a doubt, the only humanoid life that God has ever made. It’s obvious to see that God is a god who loves to create. And create. And create. And create. Who’s to say that God didn’t make another race of humanoids sometime after he made us? I however, refuse to believe one way or the other until I have 100% accurate proof that aliens either exist or do not exist. I would not be surprised at either of the two. I would like, however, to make it clear that I am not trying to “Convert” you one way or the other, and I’m not trying to speak against God in any way when I give my opinion, because it is just that. My opinion. I’m giving it because this blog would be nothing without my opinion, seeing as how without it I am just telling you things and not relating to them. I want you to make your own opinion based on the evidence i have presented and further research you do yourself, if you feel so motivated. If we share the same beliefs, then great! If not? Also great! It doesn’t matter to me either way. Sorry about the length of that shpeil, but I wanted to make myself clear.

Finally, I’d like to talk about whether or not belief in this theory is against Christianity. I’ll preface it by saying that I do not know one way or the other. I don’t think that it is wrong to believe one way or another. To say that belief in the theory or against it is wrong in my opnion. For those who do believe it: Keep on. I’ll admit, it’s very interesting and mind blowing to think about another race like ours existing. For you people, I’ll say this: Don’t let it consume you. It’s easy to get caught up in the research of the theories and conspiracies of it. If you believe it, do not let it bring you away from God, because it, like a lot of other things, can. For those who don’t: Keep on, also. What I am going to say for you is don’t shut yourself off on the topic. Maybe God did make aliens and he wants us to realize that, and if He did, he’d want you to know too. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and the last thing I want to do by posting this blog is spark a huge argument because that’s not my goal by posting this. My goal is to inform and educate you on the matter and present my opinion. Nothing more. With that in mind, please leave a comment that says what you believe and give a reason or two as to why. I’d love to hear your feedback because with this kind of a blog, the feedback is just as important as the blog itself. Please also feel free to discuss the topic here on the comments section although please don’t let this be a place of argument. Take that somewhere else if you must. I don’t like to end a blog on a note like that, but as i mentioned before, I want to be clear. Thank you for reading this (long) blog and thank you for your opinion. Keep on keepin’ on!

God Bless,
Alec Lancaster